Saturday, February 12, 2005

Midwife stuff

Had load of ideas for a post today but I've spent so much time following up on comments and browsing other peoples blogs that its all gone out of my head.

The midwife is going to ring Diane tomorrow. She is going to arrange an appointment over the weekend. Seems strange that a midwife would visit us on a weekend but still...

So when she turns up I can begin the intereg... questioning. Any thought on what type of thing I should ask?

Also, in the
UK we have a service called NHS direct - basically a telephone service and website that dispenses medical advice. I was trawling their website about stuff on pregnancy - to no avail. If you are a smoker or have a drug problem and want info the website is great. But for stuff about pregnancy? Forget it! It has a little bit of info on how conception occurs. Jesus, I know how conception occurred! What I want to know is the process over the next 9 months, what we can expect in the form of medical and support service. Anti-natal, scans, midwife appointments etc.

Apparently it’s a national secret. They could tell me - but they would have to kill me.

I know I can go on a bit about this but, when you have a diary that is 95% full for the next few months you need to know when appointments you want to attend are likely to be...

Still maybe I will get to speak with the midwife over the weekend.

Speak soon


Thursday, February 10, 2005

New poll

Hey guys,

Quick one on the results of the poll. 57% say that the old wives tales do annoy them to 43% say they are happy to believe them.

My thoughts on a new poll, sex of the baby and whether we should know, also whether we should let every one else know. Diane and I are both agreed that we want to know. But Diane does not want to let anyone else know. Me? I don't mind who knows. I don't really understand her thinking.

So, why would anyone not want to know if they are having a boy or a girl? And why would you not want everyone else to know?

I will base the poll around that.

As usual, your comments welcome.



Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Quick One

Sorry guys. Don't have time to write the post that I thought I would do tonight.

Have just returned from an appointment in
Scotland - to find I'm due at a meeting on the south coast of England at 09:00 tomorrow.

Will post tomorrow night



Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Report from Skye

Hi guys,
as I mentioned last night, we got home from Skye OK. As expected it was just the break we needed. Thank-you to Peggy and Callum of the Dunvegan Hotel for looking after us.

We even managed to go to the Three Chimneys restaurant - voted one of the best places to eat in the world! If you ever go to Skye you will want to give it a try. It was fantastic (book well in advance though!)

I foolishly thought Diane was over the morning sickness as she had two whole days (well one and a half) of not being sick, but it returned with a vengeance tonight. Maybe I should start listening to what you guys are telling me, it’s gonna be a good few weeks yet and may end up being months :-(

Diane seems to have entered a new phase just now with tiredness being quite a predominant feature in her moods. She slept most of the way up to Skye and when we got there she just wanted to go to bed. I thought early night, didn't expect this? :-) .
But apparently an early night means just that these days. :-( Hmmmm.

So, Skye was excellent, the weather was as unpredictable as it comes and we were treated to some outstanding views, food, hospitality, etc. Back to work and a busy time it is for me too.

Midwife Update
Apparently the midwife should have called tonight to sort out when Diane should go to see her, but she didn't. There just doesn't seem to be any organisation to all this. You would have thought there would be given how they have had like… forever to get a system right.

We will get it sorted though.

I will speak to you tomorrow and respond to some of the many comments you have written, also I will have some thoughts on my new poll of the week.



Monday, February 07, 2005

I'm back from Skye!

Hey, I'm back from Skye. Tired and grumpy after 9 hour drive, so not going to post proper tonight.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments and voting. You made my night to find I have some new (and old ;-) ) friends out there.

Thanks a lot and a special good luck to MariaResaj - I truly hope you get the happy end you are praying for.

Speak to you tomorrow.
