Thursday, February 10, 2005

New poll

Hey guys,

Quick one on the results of the poll. 57% say that the old wives tales do annoy them to 43% say they are happy to believe them.

My thoughts on a new poll, sex of the baby and whether we should know, also whether we should let every one else know. Diane and I are both agreed that we want to know. But Diane does not want to let anyone else know. Me? I don't mind who knows. I don't really understand her thinking.

So, why would anyone not want to know if they are having a boy or a girl? And why would you not want everyone else to know?

I will base the poll around that.

As usual, your comments welcome.




karla said...

Good Topic Tim!

Both me and my husband really wanted to learn the sex of our baby, BUT, I was adamant that we would not tell anyone the gender and it would be a surprise for everyone else.

I guess I couldnt really keep a secret like that bottled up because once we learned the sex of the baby, I had to tell.

I know here in Canada, many ultrasound technicians are not allowed to tell you the sex of the baby in case they are wrong. There have been lawsuits and even people who terminate the pregnancy because it wasnt the gender they wanted. Pretty sick eh?

Our ultrasound technician simply told us at the 18 week ultrasound that she "thinks" its a girl, and she only thought that because she didnt see a penis. No garantees though.

It wasnt until our ultrasound that was performed by a doctor last week that we received absolute confirmation. I guess some people want to know so they can plan the room better and buy certain gender specific clothes, but thats not why we wanted to know. I wanted to know to start the bonding process and start daydreaming about my life with a little girl or a little boy in it and all the things we would do and share in together. I certainly didnt want to know to buy the right clothes or pick the right colours. No pink or blue here...its all gender neutral so we can reuse stuff when we have our next baby :)

Christi said...

I wanted to know for every reason possible...the main one being that I don't have the patience to wait, and I hate surprises! I was into all the daydreaming stuff, and all, too. I really wanted to get gender specific stuff, though. I have kept all the tags on my little girl clothes for now, until I know for sure she's a she. Plus, I'm keeping all my little boy's stuff until I know she's a she. That way, I'm covered both ways. Karla wants to save her stuff for the next kid, but guessing from the fact that she seems a lot like me in this area, she will want to buy all new stuff the next time. That was the one reason I was really excited to be having a girl this time...all new stuff (she certainly can't wear boy clothes!)! Plus, telling everyone else helps them to buy the right stuff. It is really hard to pass up on some of the adorable stuff that is gender specific, so why bother? If you know it's a girl, go for it! I bought my first pink outfit the other day (I am NOT a fan of pink!), and it was kinda exciting!

Sasha@Pw said...

We definitely wanted to know the sex of our baby simply because waiting until the belly was born was too much agony. That and it was fun to decorate according to the sex. Granted, we didn't paint the walls in baby blue, but we did make it more masculine than feminine.

I think if anything, my husband was more excited because he was all about having a son and buying sportswear, sportsgear and buying lots of cigars for the big delivery day.

Sasha@Pw said...

Just thought of something else. Something we DIDN'T tell anyone was the name we chose for kiddo#1 and we're not sharing the name for the Belly either. First of all, I didn't want anyone *stealing* my name. I also wanted that to be a surprise and since kiddo#1's name includes a family name, we know it would mean a lot when it was announced.

Instead my hubby and I would whisper in bed how excited we were about the name and we would pinky swear not to tell anyone.

It was also an amazing feeling to see my kiddo#1 immediately after his born and introduce him to the waiting family and introduce him.

Long comment...whew!

Christi said...

Yeah, when we found out we are having a girl, it was a whole lot more fun, and just sounded better, to say "her" instead of "it". It helps to build the excitement, too!

Kat said...

Hubby wanted a boy, I wanted a girl. So we decided not to find out what the baby was. We figured by the time I get through labour, we'd be too relieved to care either way. Since the baby turned out to be a boy, it was just as well!

I agree with keeping the name secret. Lots of people want to know but it's nice to have that secret between yourselves and the baby for a while (especially since determining sex is not 100% accurate via ultrasound). You might also change your mind halfway through the pregnancy.

On this issue, I would defer to the mother. I can't explain the weird things I obsessed over when I was pregnant especially when hubby wanted to do something I didn't.