Saturday, February 12, 2005

Midwife stuff

Had load of ideas for a post today but I've spent so much time following up on comments and browsing other peoples blogs that its all gone out of my head.

The midwife is going to ring Diane tomorrow. She is going to arrange an appointment over the weekend. Seems strange that a midwife would visit us on a weekend but still...

So when she turns up I can begin the intereg... questioning. Any thought on what type of thing I should ask?

Also, in the
UK we have a service called NHS direct - basically a telephone service and website that dispenses medical advice. I was trawling their website about stuff on pregnancy - to no avail. If you are a smoker or have a drug problem and want info the website is great. But for stuff about pregnancy? Forget it! It has a little bit of info on how conception occurs. Jesus, I know how conception occurred! What I want to know is the process over the next 9 months, what we can expect in the form of medical and support service. Anti-natal, scans, midwife appointments etc.

Apparently it’s a national secret. They could tell me - but they would have to kill me.

I know I can go on a bit about this but, when you have a diary that is 95% full for the next few months you need to know when appointments you want to attend are likely to be...

Still maybe I will get to speak with the midwife over the weekend.

Speak soon



Mark said...

Saw your comment to Karla about having a laughing fit at the word "vagina".

The instructor was talking about the process of effacement (shortening and softening of the uterine cervix during labour) when one guy looks, straight faced, at the instructor and asks:
"Is it possible for it to harden up during this process?"

I know that's not what he meant...but it was so difficult not to immediately fall on the floor with laughter. I was so proud of myself!

Christi said...

So then I'm assuming the midwife is coming to your house? So does that mean you will be having the baby at home? Oh, that just gives me the willies!

I think some good questions to ask are mainly just about what to be eating, what you should do to help, what should she not be doing (like changing the cat litter), are there any foods or drugs to completely avoid? I've been told Tylenol is okay to take when you're sick, but that's a joke. So I made sure to find out what else I could take for colds, headaches and stuff like that. Also, you can start getting info on classes you can take and stuff like that. I guess that's all I can think of right now.

karla said...

Hey Tim
I'm sure your midwife will cover alot of groundwork with you if this is your first visit, and probably answer alot of questions you didnt even know you had :)

Not sure how it works there, but here, we have doctor/midwife appointments once a month up until about 28 weeks, and then every other week until 36 weeks. After that, its once a week until you deliver.

Unless they feel it necessary to change the frequency, thats what our normal, low risk pregnancy schedules are like.

Once more site to add to the list of things Lesley has offered... You will find everything you need to know about medications and if it is safe.

Sheesh..after becoming pregnant I even started reading the labels of ingredients on my shampoo bottle. It can get so overwhelming at times.

Have you and your wife decided on any genetic testing?