Thursday, February 17, 2005


Hi guys,
just a quick one as I'm in and out again.

Thanks for the comments about genetic testing and stuff. To be clear, the test I was talking about was the blood test to give the *odds* of having problems - not the needle in the womb test that’s conclusive. That would be the next step.

Thanks to everyone who pointed out we are in the low risk group (Daemon, Diane is 29). Still, doesn't stop you worrying though...

Interesting that Christi picked up on lack of control over her thoughts. On a couple of occasions I've noticed that Diane has had a nightmare and shaken herself (and me) awake. She has never done this before. When I ask her about it she says she can't remember what it’s about.

Maybe there is a link?

Anyway got to go, will blog over the weekend and do another poll.




Christi said...

Yeah, it's called when you get pregnant, you go braindead. We are kindred spirits now!

layne (herman) said...

hello. just wanted to say that i stoped by for a quick blog-visit.