Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Link to some technical stuff (Vitmans week by week development, etc)

The other day a lady from pregnancy weekly dropped a comment on my blog. I took a look at her blog and it occurred to me that other pregnancy blogs were.. well... more technical than mine.

You won't find technical stuff in my blog. You might see me ridiculing some old wives tale my mother-in-law insists "Carries some weight" or some comedy moment that is pregnancy related or even thoughts and feelings of me and Diane as we go through this.

I may link to technical info such as the above lady's blog


Although I don't guarantee it’s correct.

Morning Sickness Report
To my knowledge Diane wasn't sick today. Although she did feel sick whilst we were in the car. Once I threatened her that she would have to walk home if she was going to be sick she stopped complaining - though she still looked queasy. Good thing really, didn't fancy having to stop on the hard shoulder to set her down ;-)

She is very tired, and I have incurred her wrath a number of times already this evening.

Good Night.


1 comment:

karla said...

What a great blog! You are going to be such a great daddy!
I also have a baby blog, and trust me...there's no technical articles there...just me making fun of my pregnant self mostly! Isnt it great to be able to keep track of your thoughts and feelings about such a wonderful time in your life through a blog?